- Marshall, my best friend. He keeps me grounded and the same time my head is in the clouds. He loves that I am scatterbrained, and even though my pickiness at organization drives him crazy, I know he appreciates not having to look for something when he needs it. :)
- Mom and Dad, it has taken us a LONG time to get where we are today, but I wouldn't change a minute of our past. You have taught me how to be strong, how to bend, and how to say shove it! You are the reason I am the way I am, and I blame you every day! I love you dearly, I hope you know that.
- Tres, you are such a surprise. Who would have ever guessed that you would be the kid who calls to check up and make sure everything is going okay? You always end your calls with "call me if you need anything," and while I haven't figured out how you can get me batteries or reach that high shelf from 1000 miles away, I know that if I really needed something, you would figure out how to do it. I love you bro.
Reed, I am so proud of the man you have become. I sit back in amazement at the person, and father, you are. Talking to you on the phone brings a smile to my face. It's kind of like you and I are in the old married folks club, and Tres and Traci just don't get it. But that is perfectly fine. You have built a life for you, Katie and Kailee, and I am envious of your bonds. I hope to someday know the happiness you exude from being a parent. I love you Deed!
- Traci, you are amazing. The strength you have, emotional and physical, I don't think you even realize that you have it. You carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, and while you don't need to, I believe that that weight is what drives you. When you finally figure out what we all know, that you are a strong, vibrant, and can be independent WOMAN, you will be unstoppable. It's hard for me as the oldest to see your bond with the boys, but I know that you and I share something that they will never quite understand. Unfortunately, that is an X chromosome. Just kidding. You are my kid sister, and one of my best friends. Love you always, TURD. :)
- Monique, who would have ever guessed over 9 years ago that at an after bid-day dinner at TGIFridays would turn into one of the best friendships I have ever had. You have been by my side ever since, hell, I even followed you to England. We share a bond of sisterhood, and undiagnosed ailments. Heres to your diagnosis, treatment and recovery! I look forward to many, many, many more trips with my traveling buddy.
- My Theta Eta Sig Kaps! You ladies taught me that I could be friends with girls, and that was no small feat. I love my Upsilon Sisters, but there are a few of you Sigma girls, you know who you are, that I would not be the same without.
Sigma Kappa in whole. I have met so many interesting people through the years due to my affiliation with the best sorority. You ladies here in Athens helped me to establish myself in this town, and I will be forever greatful. One Heart One Way.
- Kitchenaid- I love it all! I have the mixer, blender, mini chopper, and food processor (thanks Mom! I think you started and added to most of my collection), can opener, scissors....
- My DVR, for without which I would be subjected to watching commercials, and until they pay ME to watch them, I should not have to :)
- Walt Disney World, it really is the Most Wonderful Place on Earth!
- Las Vegas, while many people call it Sin City, it is my home away from home, away from home. :) I love the people there, but the city itself is magestic
- Cookbooks, I have so many, and could have many more. There is something about reading recipes, and trying to figure out how I can tweak them, that is relaxing to me
- My cats, Pickles and Spatula, you are so spastic and crazy at times. I sit and watch you and wonder what you are going to do next.
- Country Music, you and I go WAY back. No matter the mood I am in, you have a way of bringing me up, pushing me down, making me remember the happy, making me remember the sad. Only really good music can bring out every emotion. Thank you for being loyal and always there when I need a friend.
- Movie theaters, DVD players, and Satellite TV, I LOVE MOVIES, and anyway I can get them. Thank you Hollywood for giving me an escape. I can retreat into a 2 hour movie and completely forget my problems, and the world around me.
- My health, I am sure some people would ask why this is not at the top of the list, but I guess that is because for the first time in a long time, my health is not at the forefront of my mind. I am so very greatful to be in remission, and have made it the 5 years to possibly cured. But I don't want to let my health define me. It is a part of my past, not a part of me.
A blog about my favorite things, and my quest for what I want to do with my life.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Merry Christmas, a few days early!
A lot of people take time around the holidays to list what they are thankful for. I agree that we should be thankful all year round, and not just when the weather gets colder. There is so much I have to be thankful for, people and tangible and intangible things. Here is my list, and I should say in no particular order, since it would sooner be easier to list my favorite music, than to try and list what family and friends out rank eachother.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Julie and Julia

Not too long ago, I made chicken with a buerre blanc, with is a classic French sauce. Sure, you could consider that pretentious, but it was SOOOO good. But how could it not be, butter and white wine vinegar? Yum.
With my background in Hotel Administration (Bachelor's degree), Sustainable Tourism (soon-to-be Master's degree) and love of cooking, I have thought (and been told many times by Mom) that opening a Bed and Breakfast would be right up my alley. Not one of those cutesy ones with weird names for the rooms and flowers or porcelin dolls (going from my memory of Lorelai's rant on Gilmore Girls), but classy, homey and fun. I think I would be good at running a B&B or even an Inn, only question is, is that type of business viable?

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