Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Albuquerque is best know for...

Hot Air Balloons! Much to the chagrin of the rest of the state, the Albuquerque Internation Balloon Fiesta is a HUGE event, and what a lot of people think of when they think of New Mexico. This event is not the only event in the state, and not the only event in Albuquerque. But it will be the subject of this particular post.

The Balloon Fiesta is held for approximately 10 days at the beginning on October, being an October baby (although at the end of the month) I always felt that it was for me! One of my favorite balloon memories was when my mom got me a ride (tethered) in the purple and white balloon for my 5th or 6th birthday. Another favorite was going up in the New Mexico Air National Guard balloon (not tethered) during the St Patrick's day rally in Los Lunas, circa 1992.

Sharing the Balloon Fiesta with Marshall in 2003 and 2004 was really awesome. The following pictures are from those two years. I hope you find the following pictures as beautiful and mesmerizing as I do!

Ballons over Albuquerque

An early morning at Balloon Fiesta Park

This is a combination of the Special Shapes Rodeo and Balloon Glow

Welcome to the Special Shapes Glowdeo!


  1. oh my gosh!!! such a fun post! Love all those balloons!

  2. oh wow, that is amazing. such beautiful photos. i wish we had something like that in dallas.
